Monday, July 23, 2012

The Penn State Sanctions Aren't So Bad!

The NCAA came down on Penn State this morning. Here are the main sanctions:

$60 million in fines 
No big deal for Penn State. They can probably raise that in a month

4 year ban from postseason play 
This will hurt moral on campus and their bank account will take a big hit. They weren’t going to be playing for the national championship in the next four years anyway, but they always make a decent bowl and get paid.

Lost 15 football scholarships per year for 4 years 
This isn’t as bad as you think. They were going to have a terrible time recruiting for the next couple years anyway, the kids that want to play there will still come to PSU, it’s not that expensive and there are ways around this.

All players on a football scholarship that are eligible can transfer to another school and play immediately
I’ll be surprised if more then 4 players transfer. These kids are loyal to the school, they came to Penn St because they want to play there. They’re not getting a ton of kids from Florida, Texas and Cali. These guys don’t have a ton of other options. Might as well stick with the evil you know.

The wins from 1998 to 2011 will be voided
This is an "F you" to Joe, taking away the record for the most wins. Bobby Bowden is happier then a pig in shit right now. Who would have thought that Bobby and Florida State would end up being the cleaner program!!!

In four years all this will be behind them and they'll be ready to win again. Penn State will have a new head coach and will come out hungrier then ever. Too bad they lost out on Urban Meyer.

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